Article from Evening Star¶
26 Dec 2001
A SUFFOLK village whose commemorative book was so successful that supply couldn’t keep up with demand has today appealed for information on low cost publishing.
Demand for Village 2000: A Snapshot of Harkstead at the Dawn of the New Millennium was so high that the book was sold out almost as soon as the presses had stopped rolling.
Copies have been sent to the USA, Australia, Hong Kong and Europe and requests are continuing to roll in from Suffolk and beyond.
Not bad for a small village on the Shotley peninsula with a total population of 240!
Now editors Bob Hughes and Julian Scales are considering publishing a second run of the 150 page colour text but with the lottery money used to fund the initial project used up they have no idea how to pursue the venture and satisfy demand.
“It started out because we wanted to do something to commemorate the Millennium,” said Mr Scales of Ipswich Road, Harkstead who dedicated nearly a year of his life to the project.
“We got a bit behind and didn’t get the thing out until October 2000 but it sold out almost immediately. I guess the book is unique in its style and because of that has attracted a lot of attention.”
A £2,250 grant was secured from the Millennium Awards for All scheme to subsidise production and the village raised nearly another £1,000 to complete the project. The Ipswich based Riverside Press printed an initial 250 book run.
Almost half the village made written contributions and every family who did was given a free copy, with the remainder sold off at £12 each.
“I’m not sure what to do now,” added the 63-year-old retired engineer.
“We have had quite a few inquiries and the copyright libraries agency, which represents the Oxbridge, Scotland, Wales and Dublin University have asked for copies and it would be nice to know it was in there.
“There are some fascinating accounts by residents of the village, particularly the older ones. I really believe this book could take off with the right publicity,” he added describing how the project would not have been possible without the efforts of the Harkstead history group.