Village 2000ΒΆ
A Snapshot of Harkstead at the Dawn of the New Millennium
This site will be a complete online version of the book published in December 2000. It is not yet complete and the remaining pages will be added as soon as possible.
The aim is that the content here should mirror the contents of the printed book, with the small number of errors listed in the 2015 supplement corrected. Each page has a link to a scan from the original book to verify the contents. The scans also contain additional images and information.
Some disks with Word documents and images were available from the time the book was compiled. As these were incomplete and in some cases different drafts from the printed version, the text contained on this site came from scans of the original book. There could be some errors from the automatic scanning process. Where available, original colour images from the disks have been used.
If you have questions about this site please e-mail or use the contact form at