Village 2000¶
A snapshot of Harkstead at the dawn of a new Millennium
This book is about the village of Harkstead as it is in the first year of the new Millennium. Its main purpose is to capture the thoughts and backgrounds of people in the village as a permanent record - a book that generations in the future can look at and make comparisons with their own era. As time goes by the book will become a set of memories, then eventually an archive. Yet still it will, hopefully, convey and show a small community that at the dawn of a new time had hopes and aspirations, with memories, both happy and sad, for those of you in the future to read, and maybe learn from.
We of now wish all of you of future generations well and trust that the dreams and hopes of a better world for all will be there for you.
Best wishes from us all
This book could not have been produced without the valuable help of all those members of the History Group and other people in the village who put a considerable amount of their time into its production.
Special acknowledgements go to:
David Armes
Chris Excell
Rodney Freeman
Cyril Garnham
Sylvia Laverton
Jacqui Martin
Rita Paine
Evie Rayson
Lola Young
The Harkstead and District History Group members
All the contributors to this book.
Also Anne Scales and Sandra Hughes for their patience, help and support.
The individual entries were, in the main, written in the first four months of the year 2000.
Julian Scales & Bob Hughes, May 2000
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent publisher.
This book is dedicated to the people of Harkstead, past, present and future.
First Published 2000
ISBN 0-9539152-0-4
Copyright © Harkstead and District History Group
Published by the Harkstead and District History Group